segunda-feira, 9 de novembro de 2015

Three Crowns amazing trip - Aline Galarza e Carlo Gianlupi

Three Crowns amazing trip

You definetely should go to Three Crowns, or for the portuguese-speaking people "Três Coroas".

There are many things you can do on T.C, for example:

Go on an amazing XTREME rafting

Visit a gorgeous Buddhist Temple

Try doing some HARDCORE "Ducking"

Battle your friends on a life or death paintball game

There are many packages you can choose from our site so that you can get exactly what you want for you and your familly consult for more info.

There are also many events such as the famous "Festival de Canoagem":

 And the "Três Coroas em Festa" wich is a party that lasts three days straight, with open bar of any drink you like and an amazing buffet for only 39,90 reais

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