terça-feira, 20 de outubro de 2015

A trip to Canada!!-Arthur Oscar and Victória Falavigna

Here in this simple blog, we intend to tell you guys( then readers of this article) a bit more about Canada and it's rich culture.We are going to tell you guys about it by telling how our experience in the country. 
Well our story begins I think that something around 14 or 15 months ago, when we went to the first meeting with the guys from World Study( the travel agency  which took us to Canada), in this meeting we first meet the concept of the whole trip, after some time of listening many of us got enchated by the proposal of the trip( travel to foreign county, study there and learn about it).
Some months after this meeting we where finally at the airpot ready to take the fligth to Canada, the fact of leaving our families here at Brazil didint even matter, because we where all to exited.After a very long 11h flight we got to Toronto, a place in wich we didin't stayed long because we had to take another 5h flight to Vancouver( our home for the next 2 weeks). When We finally got there at Vancouver we couldent way to do something, and well we did something( we've settle down and waited for someone to come and tell us where our rooms where).
After all this "quiet" first day we heard that we where going to do the long waited trip to the rocky's which I have to say it was an amazing trip. After some days travelling the mountains we finally got to the college and we finally got our classes wich were pretty interesting because we where in class room's whith people from all around the world( mostly Chinese people ).
When we started having classes our routine were basically get up early go to class, after the class have lunch and then some activity organized expecially for us.
We've continued on this routine until the end of the trip. Talking this way the trip souded pretty idiot and boring but it definitively werent. We've meet a lot of new people and we've meet some of the most beautiful places I've ever seen.
As a way to simplify things, we loved the trip, and we loved the place and I do belive that all of the people wich went to Canada wold love to go back togheter to such a beaultifull country .


Um comentário:

  1. Laura e Monique 1ºA- Canada has many geographical obstacles that interfere with the transport, such as mountains and large forests. Still, the country has one of the world's best transport systems.
    In addition to completely cover all this immense territory, Canadians buses are comfortable, fast and safe. But we must not forget that certain distances in Canada are huge and take days to be traveled by bus.
    The rail network in Canada has more than 80,000 km long. It is the third largest rail network in the world, only losing to the United States and Russia. Although more expensive than the buses, the trains are quite comfortable, have cars-restaurant-decker carriages with panoramic windows, and there are also night trains with cabins and service impeccable. For those unhurried, it's perfect.
