domingo, 18 de outubro de 2015

Daniel & Laura: The Best of Paris

As a tourism city, Paris can offer a lot of fun things to do during your stay, such things as rides, museums, nice views and a lot of more! For us, Paris is one of the best place to stay during your vacation.
EuroDisney is one of the many attractions, among Louvre Museum, Eiffel Tower, Champ's Elysees, take a ride on Seine river, watch a show on Moulin Rouge and visit churchs as Notre Dame, Sacre Cœur, Cainte Chapelle.
-Louvre Museum - One of the biggests museums in the world, and shows paintings like Mona Lisa and scultpures like Venus of Milo

-Eiffel Tower- One of the 7 wonders of the world, it's the most paid monument in the world. 

-Notre Dame- One of the finest example of a Gothic Church, Notre Dame, is the scenary of the movie The Hunchback of Notre Dame
-Moulin Rouge- Traditional Cabaret in Paris, now offer a lot of shows and theaters
-Paris has a lot of excelent views

Um comentário:

  1. Based on our research we discovered that Paris has various ways of transport: Metro, bus, RER (a kind of high-speed train that leads to several cities in the region), Tramway (a kind of bond) and Transilien (similar to RER).
    -Maria Eduarda e Luíza, 1E
