sábado, 17 de outubro de 2015

Heloisa & Lucas: Heloisa's "Talk german to me

    Hello! I am Heloisa, and I lived one year in Heidelberg, Germany. It is a beautiful little town that steals everyone's hearts. Its is calm, very traditional and very german. The buildings are traditional, bit the city has a modern touch, wich can be accounted for the city's university.
    The city is so famous for "capturing" everyone's hearts that it has its own song "Ich hab mein herz in Heidelberg verloren" (I have lost my heart in Heidelberg, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BY5UBz5JlTw
    Heidelberg has a castle, but it has been torn apart due to WWII. It is still beautiful to visit and worth exploring. Inside the castle, there is one of the biggest wine barrels in the world.

    Fun things to do in Heidelberg:
- Ride your bike away
- Visit the zoo and the botanic garden
- Spend an afternoon chilling by Neckar, the city's river
- Explore the historic center
- In winter, visit the ice skating rink that is settled in the center


Um comentário:

  1. In Berlin, capital of Germany, the first cycle lane was built in 1935, aiming the Olympic Games, but it was not well received. Nowadays, bikes are the most used transportation.
    "For a long time, cycling was seen as an activity for kids or tourists. Just in the last few years, bikes were recognized as the solution for the majority of political and social problems" affirm Stephanie Krone the spokeswoman of ADFC, the main cyclists association of Germany. - Alice, Amanda and Stephanie 1C
