segunda-feira, 19 de outubro de 2015

Luiza Horn e Renata: Exchange trip to LoNdOn

A while ago we both went to London as exchange students with our dearest teacher Jana and our friends. It was great fun and very challenging, but we managed to work through it.
It was wonderful to be able to meet people from different countrys and ask them ordinary questions as "what's your favorite kind of music?" and realize that we're not as different as we thought. We made friends with a group from Turkey, fell in love with a teacher from Ireland, and had lots of meals just based in potato. Actually, I still can't belive how we got used to that kind of food. There were beans for breakfast, for god's sake!
As exchange students, we also had english classes based on our english level. The teachers were nice, the class not as great as we wished. It's much better to go for a walk in London then staying inside of a room rotting.

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  3. London Bus: Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, changed all populats by eletric bus with the body that kept classic and stylish. Armored cab for the driver who has an exemplary punctuality. Oyster: It is small, which also serves to boats, subways and trains, the own passenger passes the player and ninety reais circulating for a week throught the city. Compared with our city of Porto Alegre, the bus system of the city of London should be followed. And here we have many things to improve, for example: punctualy; security. Gabriel Zonta, Pedro Nunes e Renan Ruschel. 1C
