quarta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2015

Travel Blog of Chile                                                               Henrique Bonacina e Ana Carolina Carra

I went to Chile last year, and it was the best travel i´ve ever made in my life, because Santiago and Valparaíso are so beautiful and funny, when you are at Santiago, and you look to the horizon, you´ll look to the giants mountains of the Andes. In Valparaiso, you´ll find the house of Pablo Neruda, Pablo was one of the most important poet of the spanish language. His house, is now a museum of his life, and his house is so beautiful, with an amazing view to the pacific sea from his bedroom. There is an picture for an exemple.

Also in Valparaiso, you won´t find beautiful plants, you will find purple cabbage. Back to Santiago, their cookery are so different than ours, for exemple, here we have a food that we call ´´xis``, and we eat it hot, with tomato, beef and other things, but there, they eat it cold, and they put avocado together, in my opinion avocado doens´t combines with it. One of the mosts beautiful views of the world, is the viem of the mountains from Santiago city. There´s an picture.

Another amazing place to visit, is Valle Nevado, it is about 30km from Santiago i think, and it is an skying place in the Andes mountains, is much cooler traveling there when it´s snowing, because it has adrenaline, because the road becomes  slppery, and you´ll need to put a tie on the wheel, so it doesn´t slip out of the road. The Valle Nevado looks like this.

One thing at Chile, that broked my heart, is the amount of dogs and cats that lives in the streets, it is like this because the earthquake that occured on 2010. It was an 8.8 earthquake, followed by an tsunami that reached Valparaiso. After the earthquake on Chile, the economy were in crisis, and the people to survive, they needed to leave their loved pets. And i think that the economy, are in a big crisis again, because in September 16th of 2015, Chile had another earthquake of a magnitude of 8.4 degrees.

This is an picture of Santiago´s Catedral. After the 2010 earthquake, she was structurally damaged, and it has a lot of cracks inside the catedral. But it was last year, now i think it has a lot more, because the recent earthquake that happened there. They were finishing the rebuild of the catedral, but after the recent earthquake i think they won´t finish it so early.

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