quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2015

USA Trip: New York/Orlando - Pedro Spieker, Lucas Noronha

About the time they went to the US of A and the adventures they found there...

(I means We in the context, because it was written in four hands, just accept that)

My trip to the USA in 2014 was very intense. Besides that whole park thing you do when you go to Orlando, being that the part I went to Disney, Universal and the Busch Garden parks and had a lot of fun discovering the “magical worlds inside those walls” (as well as the mistical feeling of New York); I think really used my time to create a profile about that place, that looks like a reality very simillar to ours but is very different in fact.
Is very strange, for example, to notice how you are easily “corrumpted” by the spirit of consumism by just entering in the Wallmart. You see the promotions and all those colourfull and bright products and you just wonder about how would you get happy by buying the whole thing; and I thought it was difficult to take this thoughts away so I could see how crazy I was, not because of the difficulty of the feat I wondered, but because of I didn't need most of the things I wanted.
So this came for me as a wonder of how a savage nature impulse such as violence and other kinds of brutallities turned into the modern world in the impulse of consumism. And that was not limited to my situation, I could live the experience of being on a line to buy an iPhone 6 and see people on mechanised wheelchairs cause they can barely walk by the simple fact they are too over the weight, see how full the stores was of tourists that just feel the need to be included in that kind of culture (and each brazillian I found was strangelly mad by the buying power).
I think it may be too allarmist, but it looks like the real picture of a society that is getting too little of its real potential as real people, and that's not the best feeling you can get.
It still was a great time, but it's not fare to be sellfish and just think about fun.

3 comentários:

  1. If you want to go to New York city you don't need to worry about car and license drive, because the best way to go around are by bus, train, taxi and bike. There is a boring traffic jam. Rafael 1c

  2. Leonardo Pechansky - I believe every person that goes to the US in general gets amazed by the enormous amount of things they have in there. It is pretty much impossible to go there and not buy anything, because anything could call your atention. If you want to commute around there, the better way is to go by subway. It's quick, useful and public, so it pollutes less.

  3. Richard Lencines - New York is an amazing city, full of hobbies, tourist spots, who does not dream to see the statue of liberty? is a great place to spend time with family, in my view, is a good choice for a trip where you want to know the places where your favorite films were made as the man aranha.Comparado to Brazil's transportation services in the United States are far more polls and effective, such as the meter, which is much fast and cheap compared to the São Paulo or Rio de Janeiro.
