terça-feira, 20 de outubro de 2015

Gianny Maydana e Letícia Pilatti 2C

A place where we would like going is Japan one of the most evolved countries of the world and with a culture completely only and very different from ours. We already heard many stories on persons who went to Japan and who had some problems with the culture and the way of life of the Japanese and  the very technological way that they live. A story that most impresed us is about  a friend in common who had gone there in 2014 and told us that when she was in a public bathroom and in the toilet had a lot of buttons with different colors and incomprehensible symbols for our language, and since she did not know what the certain button of the unloading was, she pressed all the buttons and suddenly lights began to flash and sounds appeared to all bathroom and lately  two policemen appeared to see if something of wrong one had happened. While seeing the policemen her reaction was: She went out running of the bathroom and the policemen didn't understand anything.
Japan is in many factors a country very different from ours, one of them is the form how the Japanese people respect each other,is very a person common bowed fornt other person  like a form of greeting and the other persons returns of the same way . The Japanese take the question of the honor very much seriously , many persons commit suicide when they fail in life open in question  the honor. It's so much that Japan has one of the biggest taxes of suicide of the world.
Japan is formed predominantly by mountains, 70 % of the  country are mountains, is very common in the Japanese culture persons wear themselfs  like characters of video games or anime, this type of culture is called of cosplay. Most of the food in the Japanese cookery are made of fish,  there are one of the biggest fishing industries of the world and the cattle-raising in Japan almost does not exist. Martial arts like karatê, Judo and Jiu-jitsu,  were invented in a thousands years ago for the Japanese used these skills during the wars.
One of the strong points of Japan is the education that is dealt with extreme importance, the taxes of illiteracy are almost null and the IDH is very elevated. They have the quickest Internet of the world (thousand times quicker than the Brazilian internet) and technologically Japan is one century more evolved than Brazil.

2 comentários:

  1. I agree, Japan is a country very different from Brazil, with a rich culture. And the food is simply amazing!!!! I love sushi and similar foods. In urban mobility, if you need a fast and comfortable transportation, a train is the right transport for you. But if you not have much money, you can get a ferry. It's more economic, but slower.

  2. Japan is severely different from Brazil, with a rich and very different culture and religion. I especially like the shintoism, I don't follow the religion but it's certainly interesting. And the food is... not appealing to my own standards, but once in a while, it's pretty good. Anyway, about the urban mobility, you can mostly guess anywhere by train, it usually is placed in convinient locations to everyone. But if you don't have that much money, you can get a ferry. Both ways are nice and convinient for everyone in Japan.
    ~Lorenzo Abs 1C
