segunda-feira, 19 de outubro de 2015

Alice Sperb Carolina Repenning - London

In the winter of 2013, we went to London with a group of classmates to study english in an exchange program. We spend two weeks there and not only learnd in classes and had a great time with other activities on campus, but we also had a wonderful time meeting the beuatiful city of London. We didn´t expected , but we found a lot of brasilians along the way, some in aeroports and some already there, there was even a woman selling Guaraná and pão de queijo! We went for a ride in the London eye, took pictures in the Madame Tussauds Museum, went to a talent show that turned out to be a party thanks to one of our classmates who was a dj, fought sumo in big suits and had a great time there! It was hard to leave, we knew we would miss the university and the city along with the people that we meet there and we were right, if possible we would love to visit England once again.

4 comentários:

  1. Based on my searches, i think that the transport system of London, is one of the best in world; It is very efficient and ponctual. Apart from the underground, the city counts with trains, buses and boats for people who wants to visit Tâmisa. Hardly you will have to walk more than three corners to arrive on the station more close of you house. Another interesting thing, is that you will never wait more than 15 minutes to take a bus or a train- even on Sunday. The subway (Underground), don't make you wait more than five minutes. But one thing that is not soo cool, is the price, that is a little expensive- both bus, train and subway.
    - Gianne Tesch (1C)

  2. Este comentário foi removido por um administrador do blog.

  3. What a great text , did you know that London it's considered one of the best examples of urban mobility in the world ,I don't know if this is true , but I know that London subway,taxis and buses are bigger ,better and cleaner than Brazil taxis. Thank you for your atantion . Ana Beatriz and Ana Clara (1A)

  4. London is a beautiful city and it has a bigger and better planed for urban mobility than POA mobility. Some of the reasons london mobility is better then POA are that POA bike path is smaller and doesn´t have connetions between paths , and another reason is that london has a subway and POA dont.

    Antonio Ravazzolo, Marcele Darde e Pedro monteiro
