domingo, 8 de novembro de 2015

Eldorado do Sul (RS) - Alice Sperb Guilherme Schüler 2ºA

    Eldorado do Sul is a Brazilian city situated near to Porto Alegre, there has a very famous lake called guaiba. Eldorado city was born in the middle of XVIII century, and colonized by the açorianos.
    Since 1930 the right side of the guaiba started  to be a tourist place, and then the German colonizers started to live there.
    In the city you can visit:
                        The vast shore of the guaiba lake:
                        Aeroclub Eldorado do sul:

This picture shows two pilots going to the aeroclub

                          The great park of Eldorado:

After visiting all these great places, once you see all the magnificent trees in the park, and then fly at the greatests planes ever made in the aeroclub and when you take a bath in the Great Guiba Lake, the world as you see now will never be the same.

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