domingo, 8 de novembro de 2015

Porto Alegre's Coffee Shops - Carolina B. and Pedro L.

When you are in Porto Alegre, you have a lot of nice things to do, and one of them is to choose between a lot of places where you can drink a good coffee and eat a delicious pie. What you may not know is that Porto Alegre has some shady things going on, and when we say “shady”, we mean secret and lovely places you don’t know about or never thought about visiting!

Café e Prosa
This café offers a very nice and peaceful place to spend your afternoon. It is a tinny house located inside Winge, the big and beautiful floriculture in Rua Dr. Mário Totta, Tristeza. There you will find a lot of flowers and also delicious cheesecakes.

 Press Café
Press café, located next to Iberê Camargo Museum, is a beautiful place where you can choose one of the many types of coffees, more than twenty, to drink while you admire the Guaiba's sunset. Also you can eat a lot of elaborated sweets, I would recommend the Dutch Pie.

Love It
What might look like a simple store is also a café! When you first enter Love It, you will see an extensive space with lots of home decor objects, but if you take your time to go to the end of it, you will find a very friendly and nice decorated place to eat your afternoon snack!

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