sexta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2016

Okinawa is a group of 160 islands, of many sizes,located at the Japanese coast. 

During 450 years Okinawa was the kingdom of Ryukyu , a independent state.Per consequence of it location ,Okinawa used to be on the commercial route for Chinese ,Japanese and Taiwanese ships.this integration make Okinawa culture really different than the other Japanese cultures.
During the Second World War the island was the stage of the bloodiest battle of the Pacific Ocean the battle of Okinawa , The Japanese were defeated by the Americans after 82 days of fighting.
the Okinawa culture is a mixed of many other cultures that transformed in a different culture than the others.
Okinawa used to have its own language in the past but during the war there were movements to promote the japanese language. Nowadays some tasks are being made to encourage the use of Okinawan local idiom again

Karate emerged in Okinawa and its origins date back to the fifteenth century during the empire of Sho Hashi . It began as a fight practiced in secret because of the influence of the Japanese feudal lord who had conquered the island and had prohibited its inhabitants using any weapons. On account of this prohibition , was born a new technique of unarmed combat , known as " Okinawa- té " . It was an art of personal self-defense that had as main characteristic the use of the hands and feet as weapons in combat. Reportedly the Matsu Higa master has been , in its own style, the first to establish a formal set of combat techniques and the masters Peichin Takahara , Kanga Sakukawa and Sokon Matsumura even more specialized this fighting style .

Because of its location and history Okinawa received gastronomic influences from many places in Asia, so it doens't look like japanese or any other country's culinary, it's actually a mix of all those cultures.
Japan contributed to Okinawan culinary with Dashi, which serves as the base for most Okinawan soups and simmered dishes. The contact with southeast Asia brought fruits, vegetables and spices commonly associated to Okinawa and China contributed with the custom to use pork in many different kinds of recipes and use all parts of the pig.
Okinawa’s signature dish is goya champuru (which means "Goya and something mixed") and the most popular version includes goya -- a nubby, green gourd with a distinctly bitter flavor -- along with tofu, pork and eggs and can be prepared in several ways.

 Tourism :
The first thing that take people to Okinawa is the beaches , Okinawa had beautiful white sand and blue sea beaches when tourist can snorkeling . You can also enjoy the festivals that happens in many different s dates of the year , the festivals are a good way to understand the culture of the Okinawa people. The most important are the haari ,in May , is a traditional boat race, and the Naha festival , in October.

 Life expectancy :
Okinawa has the grader life expectancy in the world , in the island is normal that man and woman life more than 100 years old, scientists think that the reason why they live that much is they diet,natural food grown in the person garden, and the life style , no stress and always laughing.

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